Dental Implants in Birmingham

Get dental implants in Birmingham from Specialist in Restorative Dentistry. If you’re suffering from loose teeth, missing teeth, badly broken down teeth, or loose dentures, dental implants could be for you. Book a FREE implant consultation today.

Karun Dewan is a Restorative Consultant who is an expert in replacing missing tooth/teeth and solving issues with problematic lower dentures with Dental Implants (click Here to learn about the procedure)

RESTORE Dental Specialists

Karun Dewan, Consultant and Specialist in Restorative Dentistry

What are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a titanium screw that is placed within the jaw bone under the gum. Once the implant has fused with the bone, the implant is used to fix a crown, bridge or denture that sits above the gum.

Dental implants are considered to be the gold standard treatment for the replacement of missing teeth. They are completely safe and they look, feel and function like your own natural teeth so you can smile and eat with confidence.

Don’t allow dentures or failing teeth to get in the way of your life and keep your options open

Benefits of Dental Implants – Is this the Right Treatment for you?
Click Here for Consent Process
Fixed Option to replace missing tooth
Cost- Effective treatment
Improved Chewing and Function
Improved Appearance

Click Here to learn about Dental Implant